Saturday, February 16, 2013

BlackBerry Z10 - A couple of Quick Tips for BlackBerry Link

If your Z10 is saying never synced, try doing this:

If you want to sync files from your Z10 to your PC, click the Z10 device tab so it shows the thin blue bar. Then click on music, pictures, video or document. Now you can explore in the file directory tree, and right click on the one you want to sync. When you right click you get three options, show in explorer (which opens a windows explorer window), sync to, or delete. sync to in this view only gives me desktop.

I have been using it the other way, to transfer files to the Z10, click the PC tab so it shows the thin blue line, then do the above and sync to will let you sync to the Z10.

If you are getting a message saying can't complete backup:

Going to Settings>Network Connections, and setting airplane mode to 'On' has solved this problem for some people.

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